We are not satisfied until you are!
We invest a lot of time and energy in our service and the quality of our products. That’s why we want to give you a transparent insight into how our customers experience our service. To analyse customer reviews we use an independent specialized platform called ''The Feedback Company''. Would you like to know how our customers rate our service? Read the reviews here.
Because we place high demands on our products, we would like to receive feedback on how our customers experience our products. All these experiences are collected and can be read on the relevant pages. Partly based on these product reviews, we improve the quality of our products where necessary.
Rather than going through all the reviews, you can see at a glance how the product is rated by looking at the star rating at the top of each product page. Are there no stars? Then the product in question has not yet been rated. wij hoge eisen stellen aan onze producten ontvangen wij graag feedback hoe onze klanten de producten ervaren. Al deze ervaringen worden verzameld en kan je bekijken op de desbetreffende pagina's. Mede op basis van deze productbeoordelingen kunnen we de kwaliteit waar nodig verbeteren.
When you have placed an order with Vitalize or Vitstore we kindly ask you after a few days to review Vitstore’s service. By placing a review, you let us know whether our service has met your needs and you also help new customers to make the right choice. On the basis of your review we can continue to improve our service. We appreciate every form of feedback, from suggestions for improvement to kind compliments. So please give us your feedback. We would love to hear from you!