Save Vitpoints for discount
Don't wait any longer and start saving today! You can easily save Vitpoints for extra discount on your next order. When you create a customer account with your first order, you will start saving Vitpoints straight away.
Advantages at a glance:
You will receive Vitpoints with every order (if you have a customer account).
Save for extra discount on a repeat purchase.
With every euro spent, you earn one Vitpoint.
50 Vitpoints saved = €2.50 discount.
Read more about how the savings scheme works below.
With every euro you spend, you will earn one Vitpoint. As soon as you have saved 50 or more Vitpoints, you can redeem them when you place your next order. A total of 50 Vitpoints entitles you to a discount of € 2,50. Simply redeem the Vitpoints before paying for your order.
Please note that you must be logged in to your account to redeem Vitpoints.
You can only save Vitpoints if you have created a 'My Vitpoints' account. Create an account here or indicate during the order process that you want to create a customer account.
When you create a new user account on you will receive 45 free Vitpoints. These will be credited directly to your account after registration.